Under the auspices of DCR (Massachusetts' Department of Conservation and Recreation), City Green spent a wonderful year (Spring 2021 - Spring 2022) at Heritage State Park planting everything from clematis, hellebore, hosta and peony to pachysandra (all 1,200 of them).  Along with City Green volunteers David and Edward, DCR's amazing Greening the Gateway Crew - Todd, Roger, Mike, Keith, Jonathan and Darrion - lent brains and brawn to make it a very successful and enjoyable year, launching our project with the planting of a fastigiate Sweet Gum Tree and closing with the planting of a Cherry Tree, with a great deal of weeding, digging, raking and watering in between.  I'm also grateful to Garrett who was ever ready for heavy lifting, and to the many city residents who stroll the park and were always encouraging and appreciative of our efforts.